Influence of hot water temperature pumped into force mining holes on output of oil
oil flow rate, thermal methods of intensification of extraction, viscosity, density, temperature of coolantAbstract
The subject of the study is the increase of output of crude oil, depending on the temperature of pumped water. The pumping into holes of a coolant is one of the main methods to improve oil extraction. Preparation of the coolant can be carried out with the help of heat station using organic and nuclear power. For the selection and optimization of the parameters of these power plants, it is necessary to know the dependence of consumption of crude oil on the temperature of the pumped coolant. The purpose of the article is to obtain such dependence. The method of achievement of the results is the use of the formula of Walter for the temperature dependence of kinematic viscosity and of the formula of Mendeleev for density of oil. Currently, to maintain the sheeted pressure, cold water is injected into the pumped mining holes. It is known that the oil output is inversely proportional to its viscosity. Increase of the output of crude oil is determined as the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of the oil at 40 º C to the viscosity of oil at a predetermined temperature. To calculate this ratio we derived temperature dependences of kinematic viscosity, density and dynamic viscosity. We obtained the desired dependence of the coefficient of increase of oil output to use it as a coolant of hot water, taking into account 42% of loss of heat into surrounding rocks.
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