Simulation of phase passive synchronization systems using the quadrature signal-processing
correlated noise, multipath of error, matched filter, quadrature processingAbstract
The article describes the principle of operation of the phase passive radio systems of frequency-temporal synchronization of diversity standards using the algorithm of general inclusion. The simulation provided the relations for estimates of errors and uncertainties of such systems, which are caused by the amplitude and phase distortions of signals, paths of equipment having the instability of the phase delay of signals, the ratio signal/noise. This allows you to assess the potential of the method and improve the accuracy of the frequency-temporal synchronization of geographically distributed time and frequency standards. The article also evaluated the threshold ratio signal/noise of changes described above, and presents the results of modeling of errors of phase passive synchronization systems, which are suitable for the matched filtration and correlation processing of signals in quadrature channels. The results are applicable to the algorithm of general inclusion using the signals of geostationary satellites SBAS, which emit coherent signals.
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