Tools and mechanisms of increase of the transit potential of the maritime regions of Ukraine


  • Артем Олександрович Филипенко National Institute for Strategic Studies in Odessa 83, Kanatna Str., room 306, Odessa, Ukraine, 65107, Ukraine
  • Микола Тимофійович Примачов Odessa National Maritime Academy 13 Didrixsona Str., study building № 1, room 407, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine
  • Віра Вячеславівна Баришнікова Odessa National Maritime University 34, Mechnikova Str, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine



transport and transit potential, transport system, transit, transport - logistic systems


Globalization processes related to the maintenance of international freight traffic stipulate increased role of local transport complexes, which are the basis for modern transport routes based on the use of some advantages of the regional transport subsystems. These subsystems include the Black Sea Transport Area, which is subject to intense competition, due to the presence of a network of alternative delivery routes.

Ukraine in its transit potential occupies one of the first places in Europe, which in turn determines the need for an efficient transport policy and the development of transport and transit potential of its maritime regions, through which the main freight traffic pass.

The existing problems of inefficient use of transport and transit potential of the maritime regions of Ukraine determine the need for effective tools and mechanisms of organizational and methodological support of the effective development of transport and transit potential.

The main directions of increase of the transit potential of the maritime regions of Ukraine should be the conversion to low-potential technologies that conserve resources and protect the environment, as well as the development of multimodal transport technologies based on the reduction of time of delivery and the improvement of quality of service. It is necessary to consider not individual vehicles or modes of transportation, but the entire multimodal complex of freight delivery in the structure of the transport service based on logistics or cluster principles.

Author Biographies

Артем Олександрович Филипенко, National Institute for Strategic Studies in Odessa 83, Kanatna Str., room 306, Odessa, Ukraine, 65107

Head of the Regional Branch

Микола Тимофійович Примачов, Odessa National Maritime Academy 13 Didrixsona Str., study building № 1, room 407, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, professor ,

Head of  chair  «Economic theory and business on the maritime transport» 

Віра Вячеславівна Баришнікова, Odessa National Maritime University 34, Mechnikova Str, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Docent

Docent of chair “Management and marketing on the maritime transport”


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How to Cite

Филипенко, А. О., Примачов, М. Т., & Баришнікова, В. В. (2013). Tools and mechanisms of increase of the transit potential of the maritime regions of Ukraine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(10(63), 35–39.



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