Power and driving gas turbine engines with a blocked power turbine
gas turbine engine, blocked power turbine, overexpansion turbine, heat recovery, turbo-compressor utilizerAbstract
The research results of the gas turbine engine (GTE) energy-efficiency with a blocked power turbine, that complicated by overexpansion turbine (OT) and heat recovery (R) application is presented. This case heat recovery boiler-utilizer is the gas cooler before the exhaust compressor for ejecting gas in atmosphere. Thus overexpansion turbine, gas cooler and exhaust compressor put together turbo-compressor utilizer.
Power GTE preferably to create on one-shaft scheme with the blocked power turbine that supply the stable and qualitative of energy delivery in municipal and industry power engineering.
Possibility of the two methods combination of the GTE cycle efficiency increasing: 1 – application of the GTE with heat recovery; 2 – application of the GTE with the heat recovery and turbo-compressor utilizer is presented. This two methods are recommends as for powerengineering aggregates well for gas pumping units of sea shelf platforms and gas main pipelines. It is proved, that the specific output of GTE with heat recovery and turbo-compressor utilizer much more and it ecological parameters is better in the diapason of operation modes. GTE with heat recovery and turbo-compressor is a cogenerative plant with a high thermotechnical characteristics.
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