Aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of the combustion chambers of GTU with burner system of the tube type
combustion chamber, tube technology of gas burning, a range of advantages of carburetion, combustionAbstract
The research’s results on the model of the real installation of aerodynamic and heat exchange processes in the combustion chamber of the gas turbine unit (GTU) with burner system made on the basis of the tube technology of gas burning (TTG) are presented.
The tests were conducted for the real operation’s parameters of the equipment and developed in the Solid Works model on the basis of finite-volume method has allowed to see the processes of carburetion as well as heat exchange.
This technology was successfully tested on gas turbine units with capacity of 6 and 10 MW, prototypes of the burner system have been successfully tested in the test-bench equipment with the model parameters for gas turbine unit of 25 MW capacity.
It is shown a range of advantages of the tube burner systems regarding qualitative carburetion and high level of velocity and temperature uniformity during the process of combustion.
The possibility of development the low-emission combustion chamber for the gas burning unit of any capacity of power and drive types was proven.
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