Development of a model of the weight of motor roads parameters as part of the information and management system of monetary evaluation
weight of parameters, motor roads, level of quality state, qualimetry, hierarchical model, information and management systemAbstract
The article deals with the approaches to the construction of a multi-level hierarchical system of indicators for evaluation of the quality state of a motor road section. The model of the weight of parameters and characteristics of motor roads as a road-transport asset included in the information and management system of monetary evaluation was developed. The need for the research was caused by the necessity to develop a unified qualimetric model of monetary evaluation of a motor road section. As a result, the parameters and structural elements of motor roads were analyzed, which made it possible to consider the evaluation object – a road section – from the standpoint of the methodology of constructing complex multilevel hierarchical systems. Based on the proposed approach, a complete qualimetric model for the cost evaluation of a motor road was constructed, which is based on the method of decomposition of the object’s properties and includes the maximum number of possible parameters, characteristics, structural elements, and indicators of transport operational state.
The mechanism of substantiation of the weights of parameters and characteristics of the evaluation object – a motor road section – through the rational combination of the cost method, the expert method and the method of equivalent relationships was proposed. The adequacy of the proposed model is proved by the analysis of standard errors that make up about 5 %, which that does not significantly affect reliability of the results of analytical calculations.
The results of the conducted studies will be the further development of the information and management system for the monetary evaluation of a road-transport complex, the operation purpose of which is substantiation of rational managerial decisions on road assets in general and on motor roads in particular.
The developed model of weights of motor road parameters can be used by enterprises and organizations of the road industry and can be a basis for making effective well-grounded managerial decisions on road-transport assetsReferences
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Copyright (c) 2019 Оlena Slavinska, Vitalii Stozhka, Anna Kharchenko, Andrey Bubela, Alina Kvatadze

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