Method for justification of measures for reducing dustiness of working areas in open cast mining works
working area, drilling equipment, mining works, granite dust, open pitAbstract
Despite the rapid development of mining and safety equipment, the main problem is the solution of dangerous dust situation in Ukraine during the mining works.The paper first proposes using numerical modeling method for selecting measures for stabilization of the dust situation in working areas to protect the staff from granite dust during well-drilling and granite mass crushing. This method allows performing a comparative analysis of the importance of alternative protection measures taking into account technological parameters and organizational measures stipulated by regulating documents. The proposed method for numerical modeling allows determining which process or parameter for specific mining equipment may cause a dangerous dust situation in open pit. The main feature of this method is necessity to revise the weight coefficients for each set of technological process parameters and characteristics of environment. It allows the most accurate estimation of possible risks of dust pollution of the working area, the whole pit and adjacent areas, for determining specific working conditions, and respectively for taking and recommending the implementation of appropriate measures.References
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