Functional task of assessing the influence of harmful production factors on people


  • Наталья Николаевна Сердюк Kharkov national university of radio electronics pr. of Lenin, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



working conditions, levels of harmful factors, total load, technological process, staff


The researches have shown typical information systems of working conditions management are virtually absent, and existing IS and technologies are focused on formation and keeping of various types of report documentation. A complete lack of analysis and forecasting of situations, the results of which can be used in planning or management of working conditions at the enterprise, leads to the cases of contingencies and emergencies, as well as to management decisions delay.

There is a need for developing the models and methods for solving the problems of monitoring, analysis and forecasting of changes of working conditions at the workplace.

Using the proposed models of assessment of a harmful production factor or a number of factors influence on the human body allows timely preventing contingencies on controlled object using the results of harmful factors measurement. The proposed formal specification allows considering the forecasting issue in IS of working conditions management at the enterprise as a special case of classification problem

Author Biography

Наталья Николаевна Сердюк, Kharkov national university of radio electronics pr. of Lenin, 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166


Department of labour protection


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How to Cite

Сердюк, Н. Н. (2013). Functional task of assessing the influence of harmful production factors on people. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(4(64), 22–26.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects