Method of vital diagnostics of cow gonads using discriminant analysis
reproductive function, gonad diseases, ultrasound, diagnostic methods, discriminant analysisAbstract
Despite numerous methods of animals breeding control, infertility prevention and healthy offspring problems remain the most important issues of veterinary science. The paper gives and analyzes the results of ultrasound examination of cow gonads: (width, length, presence of follicles) in normal and pathological conditions.
The paper also gives the program interface for determining the density of gonads. Based on the ultrasound data, the method of discriminant analysis (the method of binary comparison) has been applied for pathology diagnosis of gonads and grouping them into diseases by certain features (hypofunction of the 1st stage, hypofunction of the 2nd stage, sclerosis and atrophy) and comparing them with the norm.
The proposed method of vital diagnostics of gonads allows reliable diagnosis of cows ovarian pathology and can be used along with other diagnostic methods for increasing the accuracy and credibility of researches and making correct diagnosis with high probability
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