Parametric synthesis of overlay infocommunication networks of enterprise


  • Фуад Вехбе Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine
  • Самир Мохамед Каннан Махмуд Computer engineering department , faculty of engineering , AL-Baha University, AL-Baha kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia



overlay network, multi-layer graph, flow, self-similarity effect, network, service


The paper explores the problem of parametric synthesis of info-communication network at the enterprise. Multilayer structure, formed by overlay networks, and self-similarity effect of the data flow are the main network properties, on which the article pays our attention.

For accounting the above features of modern telecommunication systems it was proposed to use a multi-layer graph for describing the structure of designed system, and the models of self-similar processes for network flows modeling. The problem of parametric synthesis was referred to nonlinear programming problem which is solved using a gradient descent method. The paper provides a comparative analysis of the proposed method with the previous one, which showed that the proposed mathematical models and the method based on them, allow improving the parametric synthesis efficiency

Author Biographies

Фуад Вехбе, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 16, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

PhD student of telecommunication systems department

Самир Мохамед Каннан Махмуд, Computer engineering department , faculty of engineering , AL-Baha University, AL-Baha kingdom of Saudi Arabia

PhD, Assistant pofessor


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How to Cite

Вехбе, Ф., & Махмуд, С. М. К. (2013). Parametric synthesis of overlay infocommunication networks of enterprise. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(9(64), 56–58.



Information and controlling system