Researching the interaction of different printed materials types with liquids
printed surface, printed product, inkjet printing, contact angle, surface wetting.Abstract
The interaction of papers and films with the testing liquid was researched. Measurements of the contact angle were taken depending on the substrate and its morphology. Linear dimensions of the paper were determined while wetting the samples with distilled water, also the dynamics of water penetration into the paper’s structure was researched. The quality control of liquid absorption by the paper was conducted. The research of mentioned parameters is required while creating absolutely new materials to be a printing surface. These measurements allow determining the possibility of current existing materials use in a particular technological process of printing.
The relationship between printed surface wetting and its technical-printing parameters is determined. The interaction of the «printed surface - liquid» system is predicted. The component pairs mutual influence onto the printing process is determined. The ability of materials to be used as the printing surface in the inkjet printing and their ability of being used in the offset printing with the printing plate’s dampening are researched. The possibility to ensure the normalized color difference of imprints was taken into account.
The stated hypothesis was checked for correspondence to the mathematical-statistical certainty statements. The correlation values and correlation ties were calculated. It was mathematically confirmed that the greatest water repellency depends on the porosity and surface liquid volume values. Also, it more significantly depends on the paper’s wetting if comparing to surface liquid volume value. So, while selecting the printed surface, it is necessary to take into account the substrate’s porosity, and its liquid wetting degree. The data obtained while measuring the set parameters allows making a decision about printing on the material via several printing types. The research results allow setting the stability of the technological process and getting the reproductions with the normalized values of optical density and with the color difference no more than 5 units.
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