Adaptive decimation of achromatic components in сВХ2Х3 space for image compression


  • Ілля Сергійович Рубльов Odessa national maritime university, str. Mechnikova 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine



sub-sampling of brightness components, adaptive sub-sampling, image compression, PPMd algorithms


Recent trends of image and video sequences compression efficiency improvement lie in applying adaptive methods, which in different ways process and compress homogeneous and textured areas and contours of objects.

The aim of the research is investigating the possibility of an adaptive sub-sampling of image achromatic components, its impact on the level of compression performed by the PPMd method, as well as the quality of the reconstructed image.

The paper first described a method of adaptive sub-sampling of achromatic components of the image based on evaluation of the mean square error (MSE) during the interpolation within the blocks of 4x4 pixels and performing the sub-sampling only in those blocks where the MSE is below the threshold value.

The paper gives the results of the study of dependence of compression level of achromatic components and images in the cBX2X3 environment on the sub-sampling scheme, and renders the increase of compression in 1.5-2.8 times, with maintaining the visual quality of images.

This allows the adaptive sub-sampling of achromatic components at the stages of image pre-processing in formats with sub-sampling

Author Biography

Ілля Сергійович Рубльов, Odessa national maritime university, str. Mechnikova 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029


Department of Technical cybernetics


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How to Cite

Рубльов, І. С. (2013). Adaptive decimation of achromatic components in сВХ2Х3 space for image compression. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(2(64), 29–32.



Information technology