Control system of extrusion of polymer products
extruder, control system, optimizer, quality of productAbstract
The polymer extrusion control system is presented, which minimizes power consumption under specified quality parameters of polymer products. The main difficulty in construction of this system is that the quality parameters of finished products can not be measured in real time mode because of the lack of appropriate technical means.
These parameters can be measured only in a laboratory environment that does not allow using the classic feedback control systems.
The proposed control system is a cascade system with two control loops. The inner loop consists of two PID-controllers, regulating temperature and polymer pressure in the forming die at a predetermined level.
The outer loop is a controller-optimizer, which forms a master control for the inner loop for achieving the desired product quality and minimizing energy consumption. In order that the mathematical model, used in the controller-optimizer, always adequately reflected the real condition of control object, used in the controller-optimizer, the model adaptation block was introduced into the control system.
The presented results of a simulation modeling of the proposed control system have shown its high efficiency
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