Mechanism of friction surface renewal under the influence of magnetic field on working environment modified by diamagnetik
magnetic field, lubricant, oil, friction, wear, renewal, working model, rider, modifier, copperAbstract
The paper deals with the influence of magnetic treatment of motor oil on formation of wear resistance of friction pairs and gives the results of our research in this area. The main purpose of the research was studying the mechanism of the friction surfaces renewal caused by changes in the working environment, due to its treatment with magnetic field and modified diamagnetic additive. The complex was used for studying the tribological properties of fuels and lubricants, which has been specially modified, that allowed to move permanent magnets, getting uniform and non-uniform magnetic fields. Thus, material particles, produced from the wear of friction surfaces, have affected by the magnetic power lines of permanent magnet. It has been established that the renewal process in the magnetic field the most actively runs in the S-N-S-N direction and magnetic induction of 0.3 T. Definitely, when using the copper diamagnetic in the oil structure, under the influence of a magnetic field (MF) on the working environment while friction, the surface film thickness reaches 2,5-4,5 micrometer/km. The results of the research can be used in engineering improving reliability of parts of hydraulic systems. The research results can be applied by tribology and chemmotology experts, as well as the experts in hydraulic and lubrication systems of ground and aviation equipmentReferences
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Copyright (c) 2014 Михайло Миколайович Свирид, Ігор Леонідович Трофімов, Людмила Борисівна Приймак, В’ячеслав Георгійович Паращанов

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