Fluids flow with hydrodynamically active additives through variable crosssection channels
Toms effect, local resistances, hydrodynamically active additivesAbstract
Various local resistances in pipeline systems cause flow turbulence. This leads to higher energy consumption required for fluids transportation in pipelines, and poor operating properties of the latter.
In the paper the effect of polyacrylamide additives (PAA) on local resistances of pipeline systems was studied. Mathematical model of describing the fluids flow with hydrodynamically active additives through variable cross-section channels was proposed.
Interest in hydrodynamics of weakly concentrated polymer solutions is caused by the possibility of reducing the resistance of bodies motion in a fluid and flow in pipelines. Depending on resistance geometric characteristics and additives concentration, they can lead to both decreasing and increasing of local pressure losses in a pipeline.
Based on research results, devices were proposed based on the effect of reducing or increasing the local pressure losses using additives
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