Production of sulfuric acid during electrochemical processing of sulphate-containing eluates


  • Інна Миколаївна Трус National Technical University of Ukraine ''Kiyv Polytechnic Institute'', Peremogy 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine
  • Валентина Миколаївна Грабітченко National Technical University of Ukraine ''Kiyv Polytechnic Institute'', Peremogy 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine
  • Микола Дмитрович Гомеля National Technical University of Ukraine ''Kiyv Polytechnic Institute'', Peremogy 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine



electrodialysis, electrolysis, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, concentration, desalting, processing of eluates


The paper gives the results obtained during electrochemical processing of sulfuric acid solution. It is shown that when using double-chamber electrolyzer, doubled by anionic membrane MA-41, in the process of electrolysis sulfuric acid concentration can be increased by 0,1÷1,0 - 7÷9 H. The process effectiveness depends on the acid concentration at the cathode and the initial acid concentration at the anode. The process proceeds efficiently with reduced to 0.01H acid concentration at the cathode. At high acid concentration at the anode the decreased amount of acid current efficiency can be observed.

High values of acid current efficiency were achieved using the acid concentration of 1÷2 h-eqv/dm3 at the cathode.

It was found that with increasing current density the rate of electrochemical concentration of sulfuric acid significantly increases at the anode with decreasing acid current efficiency

Author Biographies

Інна Миколаївна Трус, National Technical University of Ukraine ''Kiyv Polytechnic Institute'', Peremogy 37, Kiev, 03056

Postgraduate student Department of ecology and technology of plant polymers

Валентина Миколаївна Грабітченко, National Technical University of Ukraine ''Kiyv Polytechnic Institute'', Peremogy 37, Kiev, 03056

Department of ecology and technology of plant polymers

Микола Дмитрович Гомеля, National Technical University of Ukraine ''Kiyv Polytechnic Institute'', Peremogy 37, Kiev, 03056


Department of ecology and technology of plant polymers


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How to Cite

Трус, І. М., Грабітченко, В. М., & Гомеля, М. Д. (2013). Production of sulfuric acid during electrochemical processing of sulphate-containing eluates. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(6(64), 10–13.



Technology organic and inorganic substances