Extraneous diffusion kinetics of ammonium ions adsorption in the presence of other ions
ammonium ion, zeolite, external diffusion, waste-waterAbstract
The present article substantiates theoretical foundations of competitive adsorption of multicomponent systems on mineral sorbents. Monitoring of wastewater contaminated with ammonium ions, estimation of quantities, pecularities of localization and estimation of toxicological impacts on the environment was carried out. The existing theoretical apparatus for adsorption processes description was analyzed. Adsorption process mechanism and methods for identification of experimental data to theoretical models was developed. Kinetic characteristics of adsorption of ammonium ions on natural sorbents were determined. Sorption capacity of zeolite to ammonium ions in static and dynamic conditions was experimentally investigated. Influence of presence of phosphoric compounds and proteins on equilibrium and speed of absorption of ammonium ion was determined. Experimental data and theoretical models of adsorption were identified. Kinetic coefficients of adsorption processes were set. It has been established that the presence of foreign ions in solution significantly reduces sorption capacity of zeolite on ammonium ionsReferences
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