Flocculants for natural water clarification
flocculant, clarification, bentonite, precipitation, residual concentrationsAbstract
The main objective of the study was investigating the effectiveness of new types of flocculants of foreign production for removal of bentonite particles from natural and waste water. Anion-active Magnafloc 156 with molecular mass of about 20 million mass units, cation-active flocculant Zetag 7692 with molecular mass of about 20 million mass units, as well as solutions of polyacrylamide (PAA) as a nonionic flocculant were investigated. It was found that in the process of natural water purification none of flocculants provides residual solids concentration after clarification, thus does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents. Therefore, they can be recommended for waste water purification or as the stage of preliminary treatment of natural water. All investigated flocculants are highly efficient in strongly acid environments. The PAA solutions are recommended for removing bentonite particles in neutral environment, and the PAA and Zetag 7692 in alkaline environment. The results allow precise selection of the type of flocculant for removing pollutants in various conditionsReferences
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