Multicomponent compositions of sulphurized rapeseed oil for lubrication of bronze – steel pair
wear, steel, bronze, oil, additives, concentration, rapeseed oil, sulfurAbstract
The article investigates the processes of bronze-steel pair wear rate during friction on steel45 (HB 4,45 HPa; Ra0 =0,3±0,05 Mm) during lubrification by chemically modified rapeseed oil with multifunctional additives. The objective of work was to establish the influence of sulphur chemically combined with glycerides of rapeseed oil, and also triphenylphosphine and benzotriazole as multifunctional additives and diphenyl sulphourea as a catalist of sulphidation on wear-resistant properties of compositions. There were used mathematical methods of experimentation planning for obtaining of dependency models of wear rate intensity on ingredients content of lubrification composition and methodology of analysis of the obtained regularities by two-dimensional cross-cuts. As a result, we have received the adequate mathematical models of the second order from four factors with response function – volumetric intensity of wear. By the method of fixing of two factors on certain levels there were received partial mathematical models that enabled two dimensional cross-cuts analysis of dependency of response function on two aspects.
According to the analysis results there was established that the minimal values of wear rate of tin plated phosphor bronze are observed at minimal concentration of sulphur, triphenylphosphine and benzotriazole (0,1-0,2%) and high content of diphenyl sulphourea in the composition. Increase of sulphur content in the composition leads to increase of minimal values of specific wear rate 10-20 times, and increase of triphenylphosphine content at fixed sulphur concentration - 100 times, and narrowing of the respective area
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