Environmental potential analysis of co-processing waste in cement kilns
co-processing, resource saving, cement industry, greenhouse gas emissions, key barriersAbstract
The technology of waste co-processing in cement kilns has proven to be a reliable, efficient and convenient method of waste disposal (domestic and industrial). However, countries around the world face the following key barriers to the implementation of the technology of waste co-processing in cement kilns: fuzzy legislation, lack of financial support, public acceptance, etc. These barriers can be partially eliminated by the measures proposed in this study.
In addition, waste sorting and processing are often not carried out systematically. National and international cement companies operate modern cement kilns which could substitute a part of their fossil fuel and raw material with suitable waste streams to be co-processed. Co-processing non-recyclable waste is often a valid option to close loops towards circular economy. This technology is widely used in different European countries, but with different environmental impacts. Therefore, it is important to investigate the environmental potential of this technology, which is variable for different waste morphology conditions.
The potential benefits of the technology of solid waste co-processing in cement kilns are investigated. The methodology of estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for biogenic emissions in determining the benefits and environmental potential of the technology is applied. The example of the Ukrainian cement industry identified the possibility of: reducing the anthracite coal consumption in clinker production up to 262 kt/a; preventing up to 284 ktCO2eq/a emissions from coal substitution. For the waste management sector, the potential of co-processing is identified: MSW disposal up to 1,213 ktMSW/a; prevention of greenhouse gas emissions up to 111 ktCO2eq/a in landfills. These findings are important in a number of countries, as the key barriers to co-processing in cement kilns are related. Environmental analysis results and proposed measures to avoid the identified key barriers to technology implementation can be applied to many countriesReferences
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