Potential and necessity to develop nontraditional renewable energy in Ukraine


  • Алексей Николаевич Лимаренко Poltava National Technical Yuriy Kondratyuk University 24 Pervomaiskii Ave., Poltava, Ukraine, 36601, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1714-4508




nontraditional renewable energy sources, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, energy


The article examines the potential and the pace of development of nontraditional renewable energy sources (NRES) in Ukraine. The arguments "pro" and "contra" the energy potential of NRES are analyzed with the help of technically reachable and economically feasible values’ indicators.

NRES is classified by such kinds of energy: thermal and radiant energy (solar energy and energy of the Earth’s heat); mechanical energy (wind and water energies), chemical energy (energy contained in the biomass).

In the study of NRES have been repeatedly engaged national and foreign scientists who studied the issues of use of solar energy, heat pump solar heating systems, wind-driven generators, ways to receive heat from the Earth’s interior, etc.

The purpose of the article is to describe the energy potential of NRES in Ukraine, which will allow to determine the merits, economic efficiency and investment attractiveness of NRES projects.

Permanent increase of Russian gas price forces Ukraine to focus on the use of its own resources, to look for new suppliers of energy sources and to find new solutions to energy problems.

Considered in the article NRES are the fastest and the cheapest way to solve the problems of energy supply of remote hard-to-reach settlements, which are not connected to public networks; energy supply of small and medium-sized businesses. Using NRES it is possible to reduce the deficit of power and energy in deficit energy systems, to develop the innovative trends in the industry, to expand the domestic demand for engineering products and to expand export opportunities.

Author Biography

Алексей Николаевич Лимаренко, Poltava National Technical Yuriy Kondratyuk University 24 Pervomaiskii Ave., Poltava, Ukraine, 36601



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How to Cite

Лимаренко, А. Н. (2013). Potential and necessity to develop nontraditional renewable energy in Ukraine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(8(65), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.18120