Hydrodynamic characteristics of elementary lattices of francis turbine runner
francis turbine, runner, hydrodynamic characteristics, energy characteristics, turbine settingAbstract
The paper is devoted to development of methods for determining and analyzing the hydrodynamic characteristics of elementary lattices of hydro-turbine runner. The equations describing the kinematics of the flow both in absolute and relative motion at the input and output of runner lattice are presented. Based on the analysis of the kinematic and energy characteristics of runners in a wide range of pressure changes with high energy parameters it was determined that the optimum mode is reached at approximately equal positive circulation for all lattices; the coefficient of theoretical pressure is approximately equal for all components of the lattice. The method of calculating and analyzing the hydrodynamic characteristics of separate lattices allows assessing their effect on the energy and cavitational properties of runners. The method allows estimating the degree of coherence of separate lattices making up the space lattice of runners.References
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