Information technologies of quantitative evaluation of risk groups of human immunodeficiency virus infection
risk-group of human immunodeficiency virus infection, clustering technologies, identification technologiesAbstract
The problems of estimating quantitative characteristics of objects and groups appear in various areas of economy and production. One of them is the task of evaluating the quantitative characteristics of different social groups in general and high-risk groups of HIV infection in particular. Mathematical model of evaluating the quantitative characteristics of these groups and the task decomposition into the task identification and clustering was developed in the paper.
The analysis of information technologies was made for solving the problem of estimating the number of members of groups with high risk of HIV infection and the grade of the person membership to such group. Advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed information technologies for solving these problems were defined. The need of developing new information technologies is shown for solving the problems of estimating the quantitative characteristics of high-risk groups of HIV infection, which would allow taking into account such sources of input data as professional opinion of the person, capable of decision-making and expert judgments.
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