Construction of a theoretical method for evaluating the kinematic and geometric parameters of loosening rollers in the cleaners of raw cotton from large impurities




fibrous material, large impurities, pinned rollers, cotton element, loosening rollers


The scheme of a feeder has been constructed, in which, along with conventional lobed rollers, the pinned or pinned-planked loosening rollers are used. The feeder of such a design achieves both a smooth and uniform feed of cotton to the machine and a change in the technological characteristics of raw cotton. Additional rollers lead to a change in the technological characteristics of raw cotton, thereby forming a process of intensive removal of weed impurities. The mechanics of interaction between the working elements of feeding devices and the layer of a transported material has been investigated; in addition, the feed systems with a directed change in the technological properties of raw cotton have been selected.

It has been proven that a high cleaning effect could be achieved not only by intensifying the cleaning process, but also by a directed change in the technological properties of raw cotton while maintaining or improving the quality of the resulting product. It is obvious that the deformation that a particle undergoes in the examined scheme would be maximally possible, limiting, because the structure excludes the slippage of a product in the zones between the lobed and loosening rollers, which is not excluded in an actual design.

The technological properties of raw cotton as a cleaning material have been studied, the structural characteristics of cotton have been investigated, as well as the relation between their kinetics and cleaning processes. Relations between a structure coefficient and the magnitude of open surfaces of the raw cotton structural units have been established. The spatial characteristics of raw cotton clogging and the conditions of interaction between fiber and weeds in the volume of clogged cotton mass have been studied. Variants of combinations of feed rollers with various structures of pinned rollers have been given, which make it possible to formulate the main ways to intensify the existing, and create new, technological processes of raw cotton cleaning.

Based on the established functional links, it becomes possible to construct new, or improve existing, structures of pinned sections in the cleaning machines ChKh-3M1. Experience shows that the application of the developed scheme of the feeder in the cleaners from large impurities produces a significant increase in the cleaning effect of the machine

Author Biography

Fazil Veliev, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Istiglaliyyat str., 6, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1001

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Technological Machines and Equipment of the Branch


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How to Cite

Veliev, F. (2019). Construction of a theoretical method for evaluating the kinematic and geometric parameters of loosening rollers in the cleaners of raw cotton from large impurities. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(7 (102), 71–79.



Applied mechanics