Possibilities of improving methrological provision of individual heat accounting systems
precision digital thermometer, automation, calibration, metrological verification at operation siteAbstract
The analysis of existing methods and instruments was made, the efficiency of using matrix system with wireless communication for individual accounting of thermal energy consumed in buildings with multi-tapped heat supply and collective heat meter was proved.
With regard to the current level of development of microelectronic and information technologies, the structure of precision thermometers for realization of matrix wireless systems of individual accounting of consumed heat was improved. It was theoretically shown that, according to the results of calibration at the one point only, precision thermometers can be used throughout the temperature measurement range.
The technology of development of relatively low-cost precision thermometer was proposed in order to automate calibration procedures and metrological verification of instruments for individual accounting of consumed heat. The methods of automated metrological verification of instruments for measuring the temperature at the operation site, as well as facilities and lines of communication and data transfer in dispersed systems of individual accounting of consumed heat, were developed.References
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