Information-technologycal support of post launch calibration of optoelectronic monitoring sensors of “Sich” space system
test and calibration site, postlaunch calibration, space system "Sich", space monitoringAbstract
We consider the study results directed to creation in Ukraine of postlaunch metrological assurance of remote sensing systems based on developed evidence-based techniques, deployed land-based infrastructure of control and calibration polygon (CCP) systems with the test objects (TO) and measuring instruments and created software and hardware systems. The CCP infrastructure in the area of National Space Facilities Control and Test Center (NSFCTC) (Yevpatoriya-19) is ground, using as the standard template for describing the CCP approved by the Working Group on Calibration and Validation of the CEOS Committee. Based on the results of experiments to determine the spectral reflectance characteristics of the selected TO on ground-based measurements which are synchronous with satellite imagery of the space system (SS) “Sich-2”, GIS database is created. It contains the vector layers of polygonal natural and man-made objects of NSFCTC, layers of the spectral characteristics measurement points, satellite images of the SS “Quick Bird-2” and “Sich-2”, the digital terrain model of CCP. Such devices for ground-based measurements are analyzed, which must be equipped the test plots of polygon for control and calibration activities: 1) as the number of available to researchers: the digital weather station, spectrometers ASP-100F, ASD FieldSpec 3FR, equipment for precision measurements of the geodetic reference mark coordinates, 2) and the instruments used at the polygons of the LANDNET Sites System of CEOS Committee: CIMEL sun photometers in the AERONET CIMEL network, portable sun photometers MICROTOPS II, gonio radiometric spectrometer systems.
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