Саvitation-erosion wear resistance composite electrolytic coatings in neutral medium
composite electrolytic coatings (CEC), cavitation, heat treatment, corrosion-active mediumAbstract
The work presented technology of wear-resistant composite electrolytic coatings on nickel base. Composite coatings containing a filler consisting of silicon carbide powders of different factions nanopowders of up to 50 nm, 5 (M5) mk, 20/28 mk, 40/50 mk and amorphous B particle size of about 1 micron to form during the subsequent heat treatment of solid solutions. Accordingly, in the accepted designation: Ni-SiCnano; Ni-SiC5; Ni-SiC28; Ni-SiC50.
To form the CEP was established setting that lets you adjust the resistance of the near-electrode layer of electrolyte, which in turn, makes it possible to form CEP in a wide range of process parameters electrolysis both horizontally and vertically on the cathode. The novelty of the design of the installation is protected by a patent of Ukraine № 55154 from 10.12.2010.
Investigation of cavitation-erosion wear resistance in hard water and in 3% solution of NaCl showed that CEP formed can be divided into 2 groups: group I - CEP SiCnano of Ni-and Ni-SiC5 and group II - CEP of Ni-SiC28, Ni -SiC50. Therefore, to enhance cavitation-erosion wear resistance of parts of sodium chloride, particularly in sea water (3% solution of NaCl), the most effective CEP of SiCnano and Ni-SiC5 (group I).
Thermal annealing at 400oC for 1 ... 2 hours increases the cavitation wear CEP Ni- SiCnano 20% in hard water and 30% in a solution of NaCl, due to the increase of microhardness and tension leveling coating and increase corrosion resistance by reducing the electrochemical heterogeneity. Vacuum annealing CTR with particles of silicon carbide and boron in 1080-1090 oC can obtain wool - dense and smooth coatings Kavita -ment of durability enhancement schuyetsya an average of more than 2-fold by the formation of a solid frame with eutectic Ni-Ni3B and borides Ni3B.References
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