Microscopic destruction of a structural homogeneous bar of a finite length under some length-wise directed impact loading


  • Rahim Guliyev Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics B.Vaxabzade St., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1143, Azerbaijan
  • Alizade Seyfullayev Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics B.Vaxabzade St., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1143, Azerbaijan
  • Afat Yuzbashiyeva Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics B.Vaxabzade St., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1143, Azerbaijan




polymer, longitudinal impact, nonlinear heredity, damage, healing of defects, durability


The majority of structures in modern technology, industry and production are subjected to the influence of loads. Nowa­days, a wide use of polymers and composite materials requires the study of long preservation of hardness and a problem of de­struction of the structures made of such materials and subjected to the influence of loads.

Using a characteristic method, the destruction of a struc­tural inhomogeneous bar, which is subjected to an impact in its left end in the direction of its axis, was studied, and the depen­dences of the first and full moments of destruction after various mechanical characteristics were found by a numerical compu­tation. Finding of an analytical solution, characterizing the study, is rather difficult and, therefore, the problem was solved approximately. The results show that the effect of proportions of mechanical characteristics of the bar parts on the destruction process is significant.


Author Biographies

Rahim Guliyev, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics B.Vaxabzade St., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1143

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Alizade Seyfullayev, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics B.Vaxabzade St., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1143

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Afat Yuzbashiyeva, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics B.Vaxabzade St., 9, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1143

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


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How to Cite

Guliyev, R., Seyfullayev, A., & Yuzbashiyeva, A. (2013). Microscopic destruction of a structural homogeneous bar of a finite length under some length-wise directed impact loading. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(7(66), 13–16. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.18725



Applied mechanics