Single theory of movers on the continuous flows. short theory of satelliterevolving air screws
kinematic analysis, concurrent-rotating propellers, blown profile thrust and lifting capacityAbstract
In the concurrent-rotating propellers, the second rotor wheel has higher performance than the first one, so the gas flow is injected (absorbed) through the channels between the blades of the first rotor wheel, which in this mode does not compress the gas flow, and functions as rotating guiding device, which allows to obtain the sinusoidal characteristics of the axial velocity change with ensuring zero acceleration of the gas flow at the input edges of the second rotor wheel blades, which compresses the flow and produces thrust. Injection (absorption) of the gas flow through the channels between the blades of the first rotor wheel also promotes the swirling of the gas flow in the area H-B1 and the emergence of additional gradient of static pressures, grad Pd, which pulls the flow into the bundle before and after the section B1-B1, while before the section B1-B1 this additional gradient of static pressure facilitates further acceleration, and in the B1-B2 section slows down the gas flow, providing its sinusoidal characteristics in the H-B2 section. Thus, the sinusoidal characteristics of the change of the axial velocity of the gas flow in the H-B2 section allows to eliminate the kinematic zone of rigid (elastic) impact in the section B2-B2 that allows to increase the turnover, and, therefore, the thrust of the second rotor wheel of the concurrent-rotating propellers by 200-300 % as compared to the turnover and thrust of the one-row propellers.
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