Technology obtaining of nitrogen fertilizer from the calcium is containing waste of production of calcium saltpetre


  • Світлана Варужанівна Власян Dniprodzerzhynsk state technical university str. Dniprobudivska , 2, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine, 51918, Ukraine
  • Анатолій Борисович Шестозуб Dniprodzerzhynsk state technical university str. Dniprobudivska , 2, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine, 51918, Ukraine
  • Микола Дмитрович Волошин Dniprodzerzhynsk state technical university str. Dniprobudivska, 2, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine, 51918, Ukraine



calcium-containing sludge, composition, fertilizer, calcium saltpeter, extrusion, drying, vegetative tests


The new technology of obtaining nitrogen fertilizer from calcium-containing sludge of calcium saltpeter production is considered in the paper. The main objective of the research is the development of processing technology of sludge of calcium saltpeter production into alkaline nitrogen fertilizer, analysis of the composition of initial material and finished product, testing of fertilizer by means of vegeta­tive studies and determination of expenditure of drying agent that is exhaust gases of the nitrate acid production unit after recuperation turbine. The main properties of initial sludge and finished product were studied, their composition was determined using the method of atom-absorption spectral analysis. It is shown that the obtained fertil­izer contains bound nitrogen and other nutrient elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P), and the content of water-insoluble residue is the precondition for the prolonged effect of fertilizer. The technology of obtaining cheap nitrogen fertilizer on the basis of sludge of calcium saltpeter produc­tion - calcium-containing sludge, which includes extrusion of initial sludge and two-phase drying, using exhaust gasses of the nitrate acid production unit after recuperation turbine as drying agent, was devel­oped. The efficiency of the obtained fertilizer was proved by vegetative tests, carried out in laboratory conditions on the example of wheat.

Author Biographies

Світлана Варужанівна Власян, Dniprodzerzhynsk state technical university str. Dniprobudivska , 2, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine, 51918

graduate Student

Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances

Анатолій Борисович Шестозуб, Dniprodzerzhynsk state technical university str. Dniprobudivska , 2, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine, 51918

Kandidat of Technical Sciences, associate professor

Chemical Technology of  Inorganic Substances

Микола Дмитрович Волошин, Dniprodzerzhynsk state technical university str. Dniprobudivska, 2, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine, 51918

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Chemical Technology of  Inorganic Substances


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How to Cite

Власян, С. В., Шестозуб, А. Б., & Волошин, М. Д. (2013). Technology obtaining of nitrogen fertilizer from the calcium is containing waste of production of calcium saltpetre. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10(66), 13–16.