Investigation of physical and chemical properties of nonionic demulsifiers based on ethylene and propylene oxides
oil, emulsion, dehydration, desalting, demulsifier, demulsifying abilityAbstract
Water with dissolved inorganic salts is an integral leader of oil in the layer. In the modern conditions of preparation and processing, oil is dehydrated and desalted using the combination of different methods of demulsificaton: mechanical, thermal, electrical. Along with these methods, adding of reagents-demulsifiers to the emulsion is used.
The efficiency of dehydration and desalting is determined by the right choice of demulsifiers. The demulsifier, being adsorbed on the interfacial surface of water drops promotes their dispergation. Nonionic surfactant deemulsifiers – block copolymers of ethylene and propylene oxides, show the highest demulsifying activity.
For the most effective use of nonionic demulsifier, the physicochemical properties (density, viscosity, pour point) of active bases of demulsifiers, their solutions with different molecular weight of block copolymer (M=3200, M=3500 and M=6000) and the dependence of the properties on the content of oxyethylene and oxypropylene groups in the molecule (OE/OP) were studied.
Investigation of the physicochemical properties of block copolymers and aqueous and solvent solutions showed that in all cases with the growth of the ratio of OE/OP and molecular weight density, pour point and viscosity increase.
For further research, namely the determination of demulsifying properties, the samples with molecular weights of 3200, 3500, 6000 were selected. The sample with a molecular weight of 6000 and content of ethylene oxide of 95 % is technologically unsuitable since the solution of this demulsifier, when dissolved in water and solvent freezes to -10 ºC that negatively affects the supply of this demulsifier to the installation in winter. Definition of demulsifying ability of the above samples will be described in the next paper.References
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