Study of the influence of technological factors on the efficiency of the process of cavitation processing of oil products


  • Інна Олегівна Лаврова National technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Валід Аммар Саїд National technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



cavitation, hydrocracking, hydrogenation, hydrocarbons, fractions, gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, desulfurization, sorbent


The results of studies of the effect of hydrodynamic cavitation treatment on the fractional composition of oil products with the purpose to improve the content of light fractions and reduction of the content of sulfur compounds are given.

It is noted that the effectiveness of the hydrogenation of crude oil and emulsion ≪ crude oil-water≫ is influenced by the modes of cavitation treatment and the amount of water, added as the activator of the hydrogenation processes.

It is confirmed that, during the hydrocavitation treatment of water-hydrocarbon emulsions, the microcracking of oil molecules occurs, and dissociation of water with the formation of hydrogen and further hydrogenation of heavy fractions is possible. As a result of the fractional distillation of water-fuel emulsions, which were processed in the cavitation stand, the yield of light fractions reached 94 % that confirms the proceeding of the hydrogenation processes of hydrocarbon raw materials and the formation of hydrogen during the hydrocavitation treatment.

During the treatment of oil and diesel fuel, significant reduction of the content of total sulfur to acceptable norms was recorded that indicates the approprietness of using the studied process for the intensification of sorption purification of fuels from sulfur-containing compounds.

The influence of such technological factors as the water content in the reaction mixture and the rotor speed on the efficiency of hydrocracking of oil hydrocarbons was determined.

Author Biographies

Інна Олегівна Лаврова, National technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor
Department of technology of fuel and carbon materials

Валід Аммар Саїд, National technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Postgraduate student
Department of integrated technologies, processes and apparatus


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How to Cite

Лаврова, І. О., & Саїд, В. А. (2013). Study of the influence of technological factors on the efficiency of the process of cavitation processing of oil products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(6(66), 43–47.



Technology organic and inorganic substances