Development of the foundry technology: from working drawing to the process modeling in the mold


  • Олег Викторович Приходько Donbass State Engineering Academy Shkadinov 72, Kramatorsk, 84313, Ukraine
  • Иван Евгеньевич Линник LLC «Zavod Koksohymoborudovanye» Mayskaya 86, Donetsk, 83030, Ukraine
  • Александр Радикович Абдулов Donbass State Engineering Academy Shkadinov 72, Kramatorsk, 84313, Ukraine



CAD/CAM-systems, technology development, computer modeling, LVM Flow


The paper shows the possibility of using modern CAD/CAM-systems for the solution of one of the main tasks for the mechanical engineer of foundry manufacture - the development of technological process of production of casting in conditions of industrial enterprise taking into account its specific features.

On the example of the casting «body», made of steel 35 of the weight of 5182 kg, the use of software products KOMPAS-3D, Solid, Autocad for the development of the equipment design and software products LVM Flow, Magma, ProCast for the modeling of the processes of casting the mold by melt is shown. Using LVM Flow program, the modeling of the processes of casting the mold by metal was made, and the obtained results were analyzed.

The way the use of this design tool can simplify the mastering of new castings for the enterprise is shown. The conclusions are drawn on the need of using these software products in the training of students-future mechanical engineers, and that today it is not enough to be able to develop foundry technology correctly, it is also necessary to have skills in modeling of the foundry processes, proceeding in the mold, be able to analyze the obtained data.

Author Biographies

Олег Викторович Приходько, Donbass State Engineering Academy Shkadinov 72, Kramatorsk, 84313

Senior Lecturer

Department of Foundry technology and equipment

Иван Евгеньевич Линник, LLC «Zavod Koksohymoborudovanye» Mayskaya 86, Donetsk, 83030


Александр Радикович Абдулов, Donbass State Engineering Academy Shkadinov 72, Kramatorsk, 84313

PhD, senior Lecturer

Department of Foundry technology and equipment


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How to Cite

Приходько, О. В., Линник, И. Е., & Абдулов, А. Р. (2013). Development of the foundry technology: from working drawing to the process modeling in the mold. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(1(66), 44–47.



Mechanical engineering technology