Elastic deformation of the bearing surface of a radial sliding bearing turbocharger
friction, bearing surface, elasticity, loads, mathematical model, numerical methodsAbstract
The methodology of studying the elastic deformation of the bearing surface at the simultaneous action of forces, gradually arising from start to stop, is proposed on the example of the operation of the journal thrust bearing of turbocharger of the gas compressor unit turbine. For that, the mathematical model was used, which describes the balance and deformation of spatially curved element, its external and internal geometry. The methodology of numerical solution of the problem is based on the combined application of the continuation method and Newton-Kantorovich method.
The problems, which arise in the operation of plain thrust bearings of the compressors of turbo generators are described in the paper, the analysis of the literature on this subject is given. It is shown that, as a rule, local problems, describing any separate process, are still considered in the problems of friction. In this respect, it was pointed out that the process of friction is inseparably linked with the large number of load factors, which have not yet been considered simultaneously. During the description of the methodology, its sense was outlined, the ways of setting the possible loads, which can be applied or taken away during the bearing operation were shown. The possibility of investigating the bearing surface with a non-circular (oval) geometry of the axial line was shown on the example of the plain thrust bearing of the turbocharger. The research results are presented in the form of diagrams, which show the values of some characteristics of the stress-strain state of the bearing surface of the plain journal bearing of the turbocharger with specific physical and geometrical characteristics in dimensionless quantities.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Віктор Іванович Кравцов, Мирослав Васильович Кіндрачук, Олександр Леонідович Діденко, Абады Мехрдад Садегіджалал

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