Water chemistry calcucation method of the circulating cooling system with recirculation


  • Виктор Афанасьевич Кишневский Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.16, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Вадим Валентинович Чиченин Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.16, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Ирина Дмитриевна Шуляк Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.16, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine




circulation cooling system, recirculation, circulating water, purge water, concentration, deposition


The new method of calculation of water chemistry of the open-loop integrated cooling system with recirculation cleaning of the part of the coolant at the pre-switched water-treatment plant (WTP)  and purges of the circulating circuit of the system and clarifier with conditioning of the part of the purge by its softening is given in the paper. The calculation of water chemistry of the given scheme was carried out in the boundary conditions of precipitation of Мg (OH)2 and СаSO4 salts from the circulation water in the process of its evaporation in the cycle and liming in the clarifier. Based on the results of the calculation of concentration of carbon dioxide, ions,, pH index and experimental dependence jdep= f(ЖCa), the specific weight and thickness of deposits on the heat-exchange tubes of the condenser, predicted for an interval of time is calculated.

The whole purge into the environment or its part, except the regulation of the concentration of chlorides and sulfates in the circulating water, may be used as the base for hybrid WTP in the preparation of the make-up water of the steam generator.

The proposed calculation method allows choosing the operational values of COSO purges for liming  and release  into the environment as the specified quality of the make-up water and evaporation coefficient Ce for ensuring the specified concentration values of chlorides and sulfates andin the circulating water.

Author Biographies

Виктор Афанасьевич Кишневский, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.16, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of water and fuel technologies

Вадим Валентинович Чиченин, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.16, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Assistant Professor

Department of water and fuel technologies

Ирина Дмитриевна Шуляк, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.16, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of water and fuel technologies


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How to Cite

Кишневский, В. А., Чиченин, В. В., & Шуляк, И. Д. (2013). Water chemistry calcucation method of the circulating cooling system with recirculation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(66), 10–14. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.19428



Energy-saving technologies and equipment