Black limit. Part 13. Theory of cold fusion and catalytic reactions


  • Сергей Николаевич Яловенко Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



cold fusion, cold fusion reaction, low-temperature nuclear reaction


In the beginning of the paper, the main issues of the previous chapters from the author’s series of studies in the field of the black limit related to the subject, studied in the paper were briefly con­sidered.

By considering the nature of cold fusion, it was assumed that the main stumbling block lies in the Coulomb’s law, in the need to overcome the force of electric charge. For this purpose, the conditions were studied, when the rate of charge at the transition from one density to another is more than the light speed in this medium, and the charge “grows bald”. As a result, the Coulomb forces cease to affect and conditions for cold fusion are created.

Similar processes proceed at the chemical catalytic reac­tions, and lead to the acceleration of chemical reactions. Catalytic reactions are of the physical nature and are based on the change in the charge by the different medium density. This process is similar to the change in the charge distribution at V→ Slight and, in this case, the Coulomb’s law is broken since the charge remains constant, but its effect in different ways is different that can be interpreted as the charge change in different directions. Anyway, all these processes are associated with the change in the charge effect in different directions (with respect to the charge in different directions), and breaking of the Coulomb forces (or their relativity).

Author Biography

Сергей Николаевич Яловенко, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Radio Engineering


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How to Cite

Яловенко, С. Н. (2013). Black limit. Part 13. Theory of cold fusion and catalytic reactions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(5(66), 51–56.



Applied physics