Fabrication and properties of p-n-junctions based on Cd1-x Znx Te
CdTe, p-n-junctions, laser, illumination, evaporation, diffusion, recombination, vacancies, current, signalAbstract
Electrical properties of semiconductor p-n-junctions, fabricated by the illumination of Cd1-x Znx Te crystals by powerful laser pulses, were investigated.
The fabrication of barrier structures was carried out on the base of Cd1-xZnxTe single crystals with n-type of conductivity, grown by the Bridgman method at controllable cadmium vapor pressure. The region with p-type of conductivity was created by means of a powerful ruby laser (l=0.694 μm, absorption coefficient in CdTe a= 6×104cm-1).
The prepared structures were established to be abrupt p-n-junctions. Their I-V characteristics are determined by the generation-recombination processes within the space charge region as well as by the recombination at the interface between recrystallized layer and bulk semiconductor.
The C-V characteristics, measured at different frequencies of small amplitude (10 mV) AC signal, provide evidence on the presence of the series resistance and surface states at the interface between recrystallized layer and bulk semiconductor that is in good correlation with the results obtained from the I-V characteristics.References
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