Features search of diagnostic information for solve tasks of intelligence diagnostics
computer means, intelligence diagnostics, diagnostic information, search servicesAbstract
Ensuring reliable operation of computer means (CM) for companies and enterprises, where information technologies are closely integrated into the production process is an actual and important task, which prevents the technological process stoppage or loss of important data. Today, the problem of formalization of engineers-diagnosticians’ experience and processing of diagnostic information (DI) provided by them, which is the main component of improving the efficiency of CM diagnostic tools during the operation is partially solved. However, the problem of developing DI search tools as constituent means of ID remains topical.
Taking into account the trends of intensive development of CM, the features of CM as diagnostics objects (DO) were given in the paper, and the analysis of the interaction process of an engineer-diagnostician with retrieval systems during solving the ID problems was carried out. At each stage of solving ID problems, diagnostician, if necessary, searches needed DI. The problem is that within the one query to the IRS (information retrieval system), he cannot cover the actual situation that leads to the stepwise search of DI. Each step is accompanied by its features. On the basis of the conducted studies and analysis it can be stated about the feasibility of using search services as constituent methods and tools of CM intelligence diagnostics.References
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