Method of secured information assessment based on multistage decision-making processes


  • Антон Сергійович Сторчак National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Moscovska Str., 45/1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011, Ukraine



information system, security assessment, multistage processes


One of the components of information security control is to assess the information systems security levels that are designed to determine the effectiveness of the security means.

The aim of this work is to develop a method for assessing the security of information processed in the information system based on controlled multistage decision-making processes that enhance the efficiency of information security, taking into account the characteristics of the process of protection. To achieve this goal it is necessary to determine the value of risk at each stage of the protection process and generally determine the choice of security means that minimize the importance of risk at all stages.

Evaluation process of information systems protection and the process of security means implementation in phases. At each phase a set of data on the security system state is obtained. It depends on the implemented security services that characterize the security system state and influence the choice of protective mechanisms used.

The paper defines the vectors of the evaluation process of security and protection application process to ensure risk values minimization at all stages of the system protection.

Value (8) and (9) along with the rule of protective measures usage (7) determine the procedure for selecting the optimal measures to protect the full statistical description of the system. These expressions are the basis for finding optimal or similar to these algorithms of the security means usage in case of apriority uncertainty. They allow to determine the degree of information systems protection based on the study of changes in its characteristics.

Author Biography

Антон Сергійович Сторчак, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Moscovska Str., 45/1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011

Postgraduate student

Institute of Special Communication and Information Security


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How to Cite

Сторчак, А. С. (2014). Method of secured information assessment based on multistage decision-making processes. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(12(66), 82–85.



Physical and technological problems of radio engineering devices, telecommunication, nano-and microelectronics