Devising the technological principles for making a granulated filler obtained through ionotropic gelation
granulated fillers, sodium alginate, ionic calcium, alginate-calcium complex, ionotropic gelationAbstract
This paper reports the development of technological principles for making granulated fillers. Our study involved model systems (granules), which has made it possible to determine the conditions for forming alginate-calcium complexes. It has been established that the basic principle for obtaining the granules is the ratio of mannuronic to guluronic residues in the composition of sodium alginate, which should equal χ=0.4...0.6 to implement the process of granulation. It has been proven that the content of G-blocks in the composition of sodium alginate should be within 20...25 %, which, at the content of ionic calcium within the range of 80 to 120 mg %, ensures the formation of stable alginate calcium complexes. It has been determined that the increase in the module of elasticity of the structured systems depends on the concentration of sodium alginate, the conditions for implementing its sorption properties relative to calcium ions, and the quantitative content of charged particles.
The reduction of the sorption capacity of sodium alginate has been proven under a condition of the lowered pH, as there occurs the exchange of ions of sodium for the ions of hydrogen, that is the formation of alginic acids (HAlg), which have a low ability to dissociation and ion exchange. It has been experimentally confirmed that the use of low pH raw materials in the technology of granulated fillers based on sodium alginate would not only reduce the module of elasticity of the granules but could also contribute to the loss of the system transparency.
The influence of sugar syrups, pH of the medium, as well as heat treatment, on the module of elasticity and a change in the weight of granulated fillers have been investigated. It has been determined that under the impact of the above factors there is an increase in the module of elasticity of granulated fillers and a decrease in their mass due to a partial release of moisture. Taking the specified technological principles into consideration, a model of the technological system for making granulated fillers has been devised. Specific features of the technological process have been defined under a condition for the use of dairy raw materials, alcohol-containing raw materials, as well as low pH raw materialsReferences
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