Kostruktion's improvement of circulating oxidizing channels
circulatory oxidation ditches, aeration equipment, siphon jet aerators of a mining typeAbstract
It is known that conventional biological treatment facilities for small units are very expensive. In this regard, there arises a considerable interest, both in this and other countries, in developing new, simple-designed and practical in operation, but in addition, economic and effective ways of wastewater treatment. These qualities are attributed to circulatory oxidation ditches, which allow solving the problem of wastewater treatment in small volumes.
Improving the design of oxidation ditches, and their running efficiency respectively by using the flow circuit of a compound circulatory oxidation ditch with a mixed liquor dehydration bed is recommended in the paper. It uses only one type of aerators, namely, siphon jet aerators of a mining type, and the channel is located along the perimeter of a sludge drying bed, which is placed above the water level and is separated from it by a pebble bed bank (about 1 m high and 0.5 - 1 m wide), serving as a filter baffle plate. A sludge drying bed bottom is made of reinforced concrete. The bottom has a slope across the width of the bed from its center towards edges that provides filtering of the sludge liquid phase into the channel through troughs. Due to such sludge bed location the area of treatment facilities diminishes. In addition, in the developed channel design there is a bridge throughout its length, equipped with chutes, giving access to staff for removing a mixed dried sludge and to transport means for collecting it.
This oxidation ditch circuit will increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment and decrease the area of treatment facilities.
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