Study of vibration in the process "Dumper-technology road"
system, dumper, technology road, model, vibrations, natural frequencies, amplitudeAbstract
Systems study of vibrations of dumpers at their motion on technology roads of complex profile is considered in the paper.
The task to investigate vertical vibrations of the mass center of the system “dumper - technology road” and its rotational vibrations around the horizontal axis, passing through the center of masses, as well as to determine natural frequencies of these vibrations using the new mathematical model is set.
To set up differential equations for vertical and rotational vibrations of dumper around the horizontal axis, passing through the center of masses, it is presented as a rigid beam, which mass is equal to the mass of the car. Rigid beam leans on the system of springs with the corresponding rigidity, determined by the car suspension rigidity, including rigidity of tires.
An analytical study of free vibrations of the system “dumper” at its motion on technology roads allows to draw the following conclusions.
Vertical displacement of the mass center of the system and the angle of mass rotation around the horizontal axis, passing through the center of masses, at motion on the rough road are represented as harmonic vibrations. For the loaded dumper, the cyclic frequency of natural vibrations decreases slightly compared with unloaded one that is caused by the increased inertness. There is always a critical speed of dumper at its motion on the rough road, at which the vibration amplitude becomes unacceptably large, as a result, the loads on components and parts unacceptably increase.
The research results can be used at the operation of dumpers at their motion on technology roads.
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