Demulsified ability of blockpolymers based on ethylene and propylene oxides
emulsion, demulsifier, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, dehydration, desalting, dehydration degreeAbstract
In practice, settling, heating, alternating electric field application and reagent-demulsifier supply are combined to increase oil emulsion destruction efficiency. Application of demulsifiers is considered the most effective method to influence the adsorption layers of oil emulsions, and its use is necessary in combination with the above-named and all other technological methods, which are not widely used. Nonionic demulsifiers are the most effective. Blockpolymers, based on ethylene and propylene oxides with different molecular masses: M=3200, M=3500, M=6000 and different ratios of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide (EO/PO) were taken for research. Demulsifiers were prepared by adding 40% of water and 10% of isopropyl alcohol to the base. All experiments were carried out at a temperature of 60ºC. After been mixed, the emulsion was settled during 1, 2 and 3 hours. The amounts of demulsifier, added to the emulsion are 10, 50, 70 and 100 g/t. The water, released during the emulsion settling was separated, and its volume was measured.
Blockpolymers with the molecular mass of 3200 and 3500 showed the greatest demulsifying property. The increase of ethylene oxide in the macromolecule had a positive effect on the blockpolymers demulsifying ability. Each of these blockpolymers showed its highest demulsifying ability at the ratios EO/PO - 90/10 and 85/15 respectively.
Dehydration degree practically in all substances was insufficient at the consumption of 10-50g/t. When comparing demulsifying ability of blockpolymers with the consumption of 70 g/t it was found that blockpolymers with M=6000 shows the lowest demulsifying ability. All other blockpolymers with M=3200 and M=3500 showed 90% efficiency. Further increase in the blockpolymers consumption up to100 g/t increases the blockpolymers dehydration degree by 5%, reaching the value of 97-98% for blockpolymers with M=3200 and M=3500.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Сергій Валерійович Бойченко, Олександр Іванович Лазорко, Петро Іванович Топільницький, Юрій Володимирович Голич, Вікторія Володимирівна Романчук

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