Thermotechnical properties of the fire-extinguishing powder for extinguishing materials based on magnesium alloy chips
fire-extinguishing powder, metal combustion, magnesium alloys, insulating layer, intensity of extinguishingAbstract
The article addresses the relevant issue of determining the thermotechnical characteristics of the fire-extinguishing powder for thermal insulation of the fire center of materials based on magnesium alloy chips to prevent fire development and propagation and its effective extinguishing. To solve this problem, laboratory and field experimental studies of the heat-insulating ability of the fire-extinguishing powder of combined effect were conducted. As a result, we obtained the data on the temperature in the center of the fire of materials based on magnesium alloy chips and outside during their suppressing by the fire-extinguishing powder with a combined effect. In this case, the temperature of the non-heated side of the fire-extinguishing powder layer does not exceed 170 °C at the average temperature of the fire center of 740 °C, which indicates high insulation capacity of the powder and, consequently, its high fire-fighting efficiency in extinguishing the fires of materials based on magnesium alloy chips. The obtained temperature data were used to determine the thermophysical parameters of the layer of the fire-fighting powder using the created mathematical model of the heat transfer process in the powder layer at the heat insulation of the fire center. To create a mathematical model of the heat transfer process, the main provisions during consecutive consideration of several experimental situations were stated. The first experimental situation meets the conditions of the stationary thermal process, and other experimental situations meet the conditions of the non-stationary thermal process. These experimental situations were created with the help of changing the thickness of the fire-fighting powder layer at different parameters of its feeding to the fire center. The mathematical model of the process is based on the use of the differential equation of heat transfer at its approximation by the method of finite differences. At the same time, it is believed that the heat transfer conditions at the boundary between the non-heated side of the insulating layer of the fire-extinguishing powder and the environment in each experimental situation are the same.
Using the created model, the coefficient of heat transfer between the non-heated side of the insulating layer of the fire-extinguishing powder and the environment was determined. It amounted to 395.7 W(m2×°С). The dependence of the effective thermal conductivity coefficient on the thickness of the insulating layer was explored. It was shown that this dependence can be approximated by linear dependence l(d)=–0.016+93.907×d (d is the thickness of the layer of the fire-extinguishing powder in meters).
After conducting the necessary calculations, we obtained the value of the required thickness of the layer of fire-extinguishing powder d=45.2 mmReferences
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Copyright (c) 2020 Bogdan Gusar, Vasyl Kovalyshyn, Serhii Pozdieiev, Volodymyr Kovalyshyn, Oleh Zemlianskyi, Kostiantyn Myhalenko

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