Automated diagnostic system of pathological states of the circulatory system


  • Генадій Васильович Книшов Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110, Ukraine
  • Євген Арнольдович Настенко Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110, Ukraine
  • Олена Костянтинівна Носовець National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Pr. Pobedi, 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine
  • Олександр Анатолієвич Береговий Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110, Ukraine
  • Валентина Вікторівна Шаповалова Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110, Ukraine
  • Артур Миколайович Плахтій National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Pr. Pobedi, 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine



blood circulatory system, arterial blood pressure, cardiac rate frequency, nomographic charts, diagnostics, pathological conditions


The results of developing an automated system of diagnosing pathological conditions of a human blood circulatory system have been presented. The system is based on the results of researching functional bonds between arterial blood pressure measurements and cardiac rate frequency in health and disease. Nomographic charts and percentage diagrams, reflecting the type of relation depending on a blood circulatory condition, have been used. The system development has been carried out by means of the PHP programming language and implemented as a web-site.

The option of inputting results of multiple arterial blood pressure measurements for analysis allows not only estimating current blood circulation conditions, but also studying the dynamics of changes, happening to an organism under various factors (psychophysical work load, different measures aimed at eliminating pathological conditions and so on). The system provides a great range of modes: passive control (passive monitoring) of a condition domiciliary; efficiency control of measures aimed at eliminating pathological blood circulatory system conditions (surgical treatments and prescribing medicine); assessment of adaptive reserves of sportsmen; control over intraaortic balloon pump (IABP). The results of testing the system operation in different variants of its applying to clinical data have been presented

Author Biographies

Генадій Васильович Книшов, Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110

D.Sc. (med), Director of Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery

Євген Арнольдович Настенко, Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110

D.Sc. (biol), chief of department

Department of information technology and mathematical modeling of physiological processes

Олена Костянтинівна Носовець, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Pr. Pobedi, 37, Kiev, 03056


Faculty of Biomedical Engineering

Department of Biomedical Cybernetics

Олександр Анатолієвич Береговий, Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110

PhD (med.),  Chief of department, doctor of the highest category

Department of  Intensive care unit of the department of surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease

Валентина Вікторівна Шаповалова, Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery N. Amosov str. 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03110

PhD (med.), doctor of the highest category

Department of Surgical Treatment of Heart Failure and Mechanical Support of the Heart and Lungs

Артур Миколайович Плахтій, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Pr. Pobedi, 37, Kiev, 03056


Faculty of Biomedical Engineering

Department of Biomedical Cybernetics


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How to Cite

Книшов, Г. В., Настенко, Є. А., Носовець, О. К., Береговий, О. А., Шаповалова, В. В., & Плахтій, А. М. (2014). Automated diagnostic system of pathological states of the circulatory system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(9(67), 29–34.



Information and controlling system