Determining the features of loading the improved bearing structure of a platform wagon for the transportation of military equipment
platform wagon, bearing structure, dynamic loading, modal analysis, combined transportationAbstract
The paper reports the improvement in the bearing structure of a platform wagon that transports military equipment and is involved in artillery fire. A special feature of the platform wagon is the presence of rotary sectors made from a composite material with viscous or elastic-viscous links, which makes it possible to absorb the kinetic energy that is transmitted to the frame when firing from the wagon, as well as enables the loading/unloading of military equipment from its side.
We have investigated the dynamic loading of the bearing structure of a platform wagon for military equipment transportation and combat operations. A mathematical model has been constructed, which takes into consideration the movement of the bearing structure of a platform wagon when firing from it. It has been considered that the platform wagon is loaded with two anti-aircraft guns. The mathematical model was solved in the Mathcad programming environment.
The study was conducted in a flat coordinate system. We have determined the accelerations that act on the bearing structure of a platform wagon. The maximum acceleration rate, in this case, is about 3.6 m/s2 at bouncing oscillations and 4.0 m/s2 at galloping oscillations. In other words, considering the proposed technical solutions, the dynamic loading of the bearing structure of a platform wagon in the vertical plane at firing decreases by almost 30 %. The magnitude of the acceleration is almost independent of the firing angle in this case.
The derived acceleration values have been taken into consideration in determining the strength indicators for the bearing structure of a platform wagon. Calculation was carried out by the method of finite elements in the CosmosWorks programming environment. The maximum equivalent stresses in the bearing structure of a platform wagon amounted to about 285 MPa; they are concentrated in the region where the bearing structure rests on the trolley. Consequently, the durability of the bearing structure of a platform wagon is ensured.
Modal analysis of the bearing structure of a platform wagon has been conducted. The values of the natural oscillation frequencies are within allowable limits.
Our research would contribute to designing innovative structures for platform wagonsReferences
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