The ways for network information resource aggressive user’s influence reduction


  • Денис Миколайович Самойленко National University of Shipbuilding after Admiral Makarov Lenin ave 3, Mykolaiv, 54010, Ukraine, Ukraine



network resources, information aggression, information security, resource complexity, websites design


Despite the popularity of design methods on the simplification principles, still little attention has been paid to the problems of adapting these principles to the problems of network information resources design, intended for interacting with humans. A model of user’s interaction with the network information resource “familiarization - comprehension - selection - action”, which takes into account various stages of mental load, the level of which is suggested to consider as a complexity measure is first proposed in the paper. The factors, influencing the complexity of each interaction model phase are singled out and described, the contributions of information, semantic, combinatorial complexity, as well as selection complexity, are taken into account; the recommendations for the network information resource developer on reducing the final complexity of the developed product, defining the aggressiveness of its perception are given in the paper. The method for estimating the complexity of random information resource, allowing to determine the direction of its improvements and assess the effectiveness of the taken measures is submitted for consideration

Author Biography

Денис Миколайович Самойленко, National University of Shipbuilding after Admiral Makarov Lenin ave 3, Mykolaiv, 54010, Ukraine

PhD, docent

Department of ship electrical equipment and information security


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How to Cite

Самойленко, Д. М. (2014). The ways for network information resource aggressive user’s influence reduction. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(9(67), 46–50.



Information and controlling system