Improving the process of hydrothermal treatment and dehulling of different triticale grain fractions in the production of groats
hydrothermal treatment, dehulling, grain fractions, triticale, groats yield, culinary assessment.Abstract
The influence of hydrothermal treatment (grain moistening) and dehulling duration on the yield and quality of groats from different fractions of triticale grain was studied. Comparative analysis of groats yield and its culinary quality at different grain moisture, depending on its fractions, was performed. The degree of the influence of the studied factors on the yield and quality of triticale groats was determined. The influence of dehulling duration, the size of a triticale caryopsis and grain moisture content is reliable. These factors significantly influenced the groats yield and quality. In addition, the influence of the duration of grain dehulling was the highest. The highest groats yield was obtained at the dehulling duration of 20 s, the lowest – at dehulling for 180 s.
The social survey was conducted and the main priorities for buyers of cereal products were established. It was proved that while choosing food, consumers pay the most attention to culinary characteristics of the finished product.
It was established that it is optimal to dehull triticale grain for 100 s. The application of such parameters of treatment makes it possible to obtain the yield of whole groats of 88.8 % with the culinary quality of 6.7 points. The groats quality meets the requirements of DSTU 76992015 "Wheat Groats. Technical specifications".
Based on the research, it was established that the separation of the triticale grain into fractions that differ in their geometric properties, in particular, thickness, is effective. The peculiarities of groats yield, depending on the triticale grain fraction, were determined. Application of hydrothermal treatment of triticale grain (moistening up to 14.0 %) makes it possible to increase the groats yield up to 88.7 %. The treatment of the fractions with grain thickness less than 2.4 mm ensures the groats yield up to 87.8 %. The groats yield during dehulling the grain, which has a thickness of more than 2.4 mm, is from 88.8 to 89.1 %.
To produce the groats from triticale grain, it is advisable to use the grains that have a thickness of 2.8 mm or more. The optimum duration of dehulling is 100 s. To increase the overall culinary assessment by 1 point, it is recommended to increase the duration of dehulling a large grain up to 140 s. This method differs from the classical one by the fact that it uses a large grain fraction with the lower moisture content.
The developed recommendations can be used by grain processing enterprises during processing triticale with the view to intensifying the production.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Vitalii Liubych, Volodymyr Novikov, Valeriia Zheliezna, Vitalii Prykhodko, Vasyl Petrenko, Svitlana Khomenko, Viktor Zorunko, Oleksandr Balabak, Valentyn Moskalets, Tatiana Moskalets

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