Physical and chemical organoclay synthesis features for adsorption of chromium
organoclay, synthesis, montmorillonite, modification, hexadecyltrimetylammonium bromide, ethanol, chromium, adsorption, macroelectrophoresisAbstract
Although the wide range of publications devoted to obtaining sorbents by modification of the clay mineral montmorillonite by cationic surfactants to remove chromium (VI) from an aqueous solutions, by this time little attention was given to physical and chemical features of the process of synthesis. In the present paper was first shown the influence of different factors in the process of modifying montmorillonite by hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide on the absorption characteristics using X-ray diffraction, macroelectrophoresis analysis and sorption methods. Revealed that the change of pH in range 4-10 and choosing contact time in a wide range slightly affect the final properties of the resulting sorbent. Proved that increasing the ratio of surfactant in the reaction medium towards montmorilonite, lowering the temperature and the absence of ethanol in the reaction medium significantly increase the adsorption properties of modified montmorillonite towards ions of chromium (VI). Results of the research can be used to obtain sorbents for the removal of chromium (VI) from contaminated water.
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