Parameter optimization of 3D models of centrifugal juicer with auto-balancer by minimization of steady vibroacceleration




centrifugal juicer, acceleration, auto-balancer, multifactorial experiment, functional quality, parameter optimization


During the operation of electrical centrifugal juicers (Juicer) with cylindrical filter-sieve (sieve) a depressed weight is unevenly distributed over the sieve, which causing imbalance and vibration of the juicer.

In this paper in order to find the optimal parameters of the auto-balancer the technique, which takes into account the peculiarities of rotary machines with auto-balancer and using the theory of multivariate experiment, was proposed. It includes:

- the process of drafting the "black" box (choice of the objective function, the choice of control factors and their fields of changes in the dimensionless form);

- planning multifactorial experiment;

- research of the obtained results using programs STATISTICA_6 and MathCad (three regression models between the objective function and factors - linear, taking into account the effects of the mutual influence of the first order, quadratic, were investigated).

As a result, studies have shown that:

- auto-balancer reduces vibration acceleration on average 8.4-9.2 times;

- linear and quadratic models are effective in approximation, they give similar optimal points, but a linear function is less accurate in predicting the minimum steady acceleration.

The described technique can be considered as a standard in the optimization of parameters of auto-balancer in the rotor system.

Author Biographies

Геннадий Борисович Филимонихин, Kirovograd National Technical University University Ave 8, Kirovograd, Ukraine, 25006


Department of Machine Parts and Applied Mechanics

Валерий Владимирович Гончаров, Kirovograd National Technical University pr. University, 8, Kirovograd, Ukraine, 25006


Department of Mathematics


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How to Cite

Филимонихин, Г. Б., & Гончаров, В. В. (2014). Parameter optimization of 3D models of centrifugal juicer with auto-balancer by minimization of steady vibroacceleration. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(7(67), 9–14.



Applied mechanics